Home KrkHoliday
Žlahtina grapes

Sunčane padine otoka Krka izbrazdane su kamenim zidovima kojima su stanovnici stvarali male plodne vrtove i vinograde.

U ovim vinogradima i dan danas mogu se pronaći osebujne sorte grožđa od kojih se proizvode čuvena vina.


Klima na otoku Krku je mediteranska. Do pješčanih, šljunčanih, ili kamenih plaža uređeni su prilazni putovi. Uz obilje sunca na plaži povreneno se možete odmarati u miru i hladu hrastovih, borovih ili grabovih šumaraka. Ako uz odmor na moru volite planinarenje ili vožnjne brdskim biciklom, Krk je pravo mjesto za vas.

U pitomoj uvali Vrbničkog polja naići ćete na nepregledne vinograde autohtone loze iz čijeg se grožđa proizvodi čuveno vino Vrbnička žlahtina


Gromače_Stone Walls
Masline _ Olives
Branje maslina_olive harvest



Na Krku se maslina uzgaja od pamtivjeka. Pored starih stoljetnih stabala niču mladi maslinici, a branje maslina obavlja se ručno. Kvalitetnom preradom u suvremenom pogonu u Puntu dobiva se visokovrijedno maslinovo ulje koje je nezaobilazno pri pripremanju ribe i drugih jela.


The climate on the island of Krk is Mediterranean. There are numerous access paths to the sand, pebble and rocky beaches. With plenty of sunshine on the beaches you can sometimes take a rest in the calm and shadow of oak, pine or hornbeam trees. In case that with the usual holiday on the sea you like hiking or mountain-bike riding, then Krk is an ideal place for you.

In the pleasant valley of Vrbnik's Field you can enjoy the view on vast vineyards of original vine, from the grapes of which the famous “Vrbnicka zlatina” wine is produced.


The sunny slopes of the island of Krk have been furrowed by stoney walls and in these grooves the inhabitants have been making little furtile gardens and vineyards.


On the island of Krk olive trees have been grown from the time immemorial. In addition to the hundreds of years old olive trees, there are young olive tree yards, and harvesting is done by hand. In the modern plant in Punto, by high-quality refinment, an excellent olive oil is produced which is a must for making fish and other dishes.