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During the off-beach time sports available to our guests are tennis, mini golf, bochanje (a bowling-like- ball throwing, an old Dalmatian game), and water sports: sailing, diving/snorkelling, or water-skiing. More daring guests can choose from sightseeing of the island from either boat or plane, and in the evening they can take delight in the quiet sundown or go for a walk by the sea. Active sportsmen have a gym, fitness center and a football stadium at their disposal, and for fitness/conditional training there are miriads of forest paths and shortcuts bathed by clean scent of the sea air and fragrant Mediterranean plants and herbs. Sportovi koje gosti mogu upražnjavati u vrijeme dok nisu na plaži jesu tenis, mini golf i boćanje, a na moru jedrenjne, ronjenje ili skijanjne na vodi. Odvažniji gosti mogu se okušati u lovu, ribolovu, i podvodnom ribolovu ili vožnji padobranom. |