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During the off-beach time sports available to our guests are tennis, mini golf, bochanje (a bowling-like- ball throwing, an old Dalmatian game), and water sports: sailing, diving/snorkelling, or water-skiing. More daring guests can choose from sightseeing of the island from either boat or plane, and in the evening they can take delight in the quiet sundown or go for a walk by the sea.

Active sportsmen have a gym, fitness center and a football stadium at their disposal, and for fitness/conditional training there are miriads of forest paths and shortcuts bathed by clean scent of the sea air and fragrant Mediterranean plants and herbs.

Banana Balon  Njivice Skuter

surfing  rubber rings  Sailing

  Hunter  Parachute  Skuter

Regata  Regata  Diver

    Njivice scooter  Forest path Njivice

  Forest path Njivice  Water Polo Njivice  

Sportovi koje gosti mogu upražnjavati u vrijeme dok nisu na plaži jesu tenis, mini golf i boćanje, a na moru jedrenjne, ronjenje ili skijanjne na vodi. Odvažniji gosti mogu se okušati u lovu, ribolovu, i podvodnom ribolovu ili vožnji padobranom.
Za razonodu gosti mogu odabrati panoramsko razgledanje otoka iz broda ili aviona, a navečer mogu uživati u mirnom zalasku sunca i šetnji uz more.
Aktivni sportaši mogu koristiti dvoranu, fitness centre i nogometni stadion, a za stjecanje kondicije postoje bezbrojne šumske staze i puteljci okupani čistim zrakom mirisom mora i mirisom mediteranskih biljaka.


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KrkHoliday Lodging